2008 Vibro-drivability Monitoring of Piles – Two Case Studies of a PCPS
concrete pile and a 200-ft. long steel pipe pile.
Stevens, B., Viking, K., Roberts, T.
Proc. 8th Stress Wave Conf. 8-10th Sept., 2008, Lisbon, Portugal.
The Use of a Sledgehammer and a PDA to Low-strain Integrity Test a Hurricane Damaged Oil platform.
Stevens, B., Viking, K.
Proc. of the Stress Wave Conf. 8-10th Sept., 2008, Lisbon, Portugal.
2007 Miljöanpassad pål- och spontdrivning i tätbebyggt område.
Hintze, S., Viking, K.
Bygg &Teknik
2006 The vibratopry pile installation technique.
Viking, K.
Proc. of TRANSVIB 2:nd Symposium on Vibratory Pile Driving & Compaction.
2005 Foundation for offshore wind energy converters– a review of some
current Scandinavian development projects.
Viking, K., Johansson, L.
Proc. of DFI Marine Speciality Seminar. NY, NY 21th Oct. 2005.
2004 Pålgrundläggning av plattformar vid Kap Horn.
Viking, K.
Bygg & Teknik
A case study of a vibratory pile installation monitoring of concrete piles
Viking, K., Dietel, R., Roberts, T.
Proc. of DFI 29th Annual Conference on Deep Foundations, Vancouver, BC, Canada, 29th Sept. 2004.
The vibratory pile installation technique.
Viking, K.
The PDCA magazine, winter-spring-summer 2004-2005.
2000 Full-scale field-test studies of dynamic soil resistance and induced
environmental effects of vibratory driven piles.
Viking, K., Bodare, A.
Proc. of the 25th DFI 2000 Meeting Conf., N.Y., USA
Full-scale field-test study of dynamic soil resistance of vibratory driven sheet piles.
Viking, K.
The 6th Int. Conf. on the application on Stress-Wave Theory to Piles, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 11-13th Sept., pp. 533-540.
1998 Tillämpad jordförstärkning –Jordinjektering.
Viking, K.
Report 3043, Div. of Soil and Rock Mechanics, Royal Inst. of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
1997 Vibratory driven piles and sheet piles - a literature survey.
Viking, K.
Report 3035, Div. of Soil and Rock Mechanics, Royal Inst. of Technology (KTH), Stockholm, Sweden.
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